This message, related to the development of the theme, only displays on the localhost homepage to notify you of any important theme changes.

Version 2.0.0 - July 20, 2020

Below are the following changes that could be breaking changes for your site. For more details on any change, please refer to PR #154.

The major breaking change is:

  1. Users that have front matter that utilize images (backwards compatibility for featured and associated parameters still remains) will need to adjust from [images]="SRC" to the new format.
    src = "" // Link to image
    alt = "" // Alt text for image
    stretch = // Optional: See screenshots for referenced values and outcomes

If you utilize any of the following, there might be a breaking:

  1. User custom templates may require adjustment.
  2. User custom i18n languages, or custom templates referencing i18n translations may require adjustment.
  3. User custom template for comments will require adjustment if it uses the theme’s CSS and/or JS.
  4. User custom CSS may need to adjust due to a variety of class name changes and specificity changes.

While I realize this is inconvenient, I hope that it is worth it to you in the long run. Thanks for using the theme, and feel free to submit issues as needed.


Ben's Blog

... | data | geospatial | python | remote sensing | ...

Satellite imagery classification - I

Leveraging Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs to download parts of Landsat scenes

10-Minute Read


This is a three parts series about classification of remote sensing images. Remote sensing images are already beautiful enough to only look at, but they can also be used for mapping the earth’s surface. When the task is to map categorical classes, such as forest, water, meadow, farmland, residential area, etc. the task can be solved by classification, often more specifically called land use and/or land cover classification.


... my first blog post!

1-Minute Read


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Tao Te Ching

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